You are able to Export the application information at a click of a button. This exported file can then be uploaded into eTap.ย
Exporting the file from Enroller
To export the file from Enroller follow the steps below, you are able to do this in the Arrival or Pre-Departure stage of the enrolment process.
Application Stage
After an application has been submitted, either Review the application or click the Apply heading in the individual students pipeline.
Scroll down to the bottom of the page an click the 'Export' button and then 'Download eTap'
This will download a file to your computer
Pre-arrival Stage
When at the Pre-arrival stage of the process
Scroll down to the bottom of the page an click the 'Export' button and then 'Download eTap'
This will download a file to your computer
Uploading the file to eTap
Open eTap
Send a help request from your eTap site and attach the file downloaded from Enroller in there.
Write 'Attention Alfiza Khan'
Send the help request