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Managing the School Settings

How to edit and manage your School settings

Mike Rose avatar
Written by Mike Rose
Updated over a week ago

To view the Enroller School Settings, click 'Settings' in the top right-hand corner and select 'School Settings'.

Your School settings include the following sections listed below. Please scroll down to view the extended information on each section.

  • School Information

  • School Address

  • School Principal Information

  • Payment Information

  • Offer of Place & Confirmation of Place

  • Name & Job title of the staff member by whom our letters will be sent

  • Logo & colour settings

School Information

In this area you are able to adjust the School's name as it appears throughout Enroller. If your school offers hostel accommodation for students you are able to choose to include this as an option within the application.

School Address

Adjust the School's address, City/Town, State/Province/Region, Postcode/Zip, Country, Contact Number and Website address.

School Principal Information

Adjust the Principal's or Headmaster's first and family name.

Payment Information

View the current Payment Information attached to the School's Enroller account. You are not able to edit this information. You must contact Enroller Support directly to adjust these details.

Offer of Place & Confirmation of Place

Within the Offer of Place document and Confirmation of Place document there is information included to provide the student with details on the School's latest ERO report, refund policy as well as holidays and scheduled vacations. 

Within this School Settings area of Enroller you are able to adjust the links for this information.

Name & Job title of staff member by whom our letters will be sent

In this area you are able to adjust whose Name and Job Title you'd like to populate on all letters sent from Enroller.
You can also upload a Signature that is populated on the letters.

Logo & Colour Settings 

Upload your School's Logo and adjust the header colour.

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