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Navigation overview

An overview of the navigation bar in Enroller.

Mike Rose avatar
Written by Mike Rose
Updated over 5 years ago

As of December 2020, Enroller has updated the Navigation bar for school users. As we continue to add new features and more value to Enroller, it was decided that a redesign to the navigation bar was required.
The navigation bar will now show the following options:

  • Dashboard
    Your dashboard will remain in the navigation as previously, here you will be able to view a high-level overview of how your International Department is performing based on the data captured throughout Enroller.

  • Marketing
    This area allows you to create a Marketing profile for your school, that will be accessible for all your registered agents via their own Enroller.

  • Students
    Here you will be able to view and interact with students at different stages of their study journey with your school - Starting from the Enquiry stage through to them completing their studies and becoming an Alumni student.
    To access students whose enrolment is in progress, you will now select "Enrolments" within the student dropdown. Here you will then be able to view the students' active enrolments, as you move them through the enrolment process (Apply > Eligibility > Offer > Visa > Pre-arrival) or those that have withdrawn during the enrolment process.
    Moving down the "students" dropdown you will then be able to view all your enrolled students. They are now broken into 3 categories - Awaiting arrival, Current students (at school) and Alumni students (students that have completed their enrolment and have left your school).
    You can now also view All enrolled students if required.

  • Agents
    Here you will be able to manage your agents - If you need to add any new agents or resend any new invites to your agents this is the tab where you will be able to do so.

  • Help centre
    Click on the question mark icon to access our help centre including training material and tutorials to guide you through using Enroller.

  • Profile
    In the top right-hand corner of the navigation bar you now will see your user avatar, displayed as your initials within a circle.
    Here you will have the ability to update your personal details by clicking on your name and email address.
    You can also manage and update your User, School, Application and Financial settings as required.

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